Dental implants in Market Harborough
We can replace your missing teeth and help you achieve a permanently lovely smile with professional dental implants at Brookside Dental.
0% interest over 12 months, and 5 year payment plans (interest applies)
Treatment time
Dental implants at a glance
Missing teeth create problems with biting, chewing, and even speaking, and if the gap is visible when smiling or laughing, it can also have a big impact on your self-confidence.
Here at Brookside Dental in Market Harborough, our principal dentist Dr Ravi uses the latest technology combined with expert clinical skills to provide a fixed replacement for missing teeth using high quality dental implants.
I had implant surgery at Brookside Dental in Market Harborough earlier in 2022. At the beginning I was a little apprehensive, but I have found the whole experience from initial consultation to surgery and aftercare both professional and very satisfying. I am delighted with my new teethand want to thank Dr Ravi and his brilliant team for their excellent service. Highly recommended.
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are titanium screws which are fixed into the jaw, and a dental crown or false tooth is then attached on top of the implant to provide a natural looking tooth replacement.
As well as being aesthetically pleasing, dental implants are a good alternative to dental bridges and dentures, depending on your unique needs. We love dental implants because they give our patients the confidence to eat, smile, and laugh without a second thought.
The benefits of dental implants
- Permanent solution for missing teeth
- Natural-looking, strong, and durable
- Easier to eat, smile, and laugh comfortably
- Improve your confidence with a full smile
Your assessment
This is when we assess the state of your jawbone and gum where the tooth (or teeth) might be missing or lost.
We’ll take an X-ray of the area, and if necessary you’ll have a scan on our innovative CBCT machine, which allows us to get a more accurate evaluation of the area where the dental implants are needed.
Depending on the state of the jaw, we sometimes need to prepare the site by doing a bone graft or sinus lift, which will build up the jawbone where the implant will go. As soon as you’re ready, we’ll then make an appointment to place the implant. Don't worry, if you're nervous about your procedure, we offer an effective and safe IV sedation option that will help you feel calm and relaxed. Read more about sedation below.
Implant placement
The metal implant is placed into the jawbone and left for about three to six months.
During this time new bone grows around the implant, securing it in a process called osseointegration. This stage is completely pain free with the use of modern anaesthesia, and completed using the aseptic technique, in a completely sterile environment.
We can place a temporary crown at this stage, to fill the gap in the interim or you might be happy to leave the space whilst the area heals.
It is normal to expect some mild post-operative pain, bruising and swelling, but this can be controlled with medication and mouthwashes prescribed by your dentist after the procedure.
Abutment and crown placement
After allowing the implant site to heal and the implant to integrate with the bone we can then start making your custom crown. This is usually between 3-6 months after placing the implant.
A connecting piece called an abutment is screwed into the implant and a false tooth made to exactly fit and match your other teeth is placed on top. The quality of these restorations is such that you can easily forget which tooth is the false one!
The crown can be screwed in, for easy retrievability, or cemented, depending on the type and angle of the implant.
The teeth can be made of a metal crown covered in porcelain or an all ceramic tooth depending on your desired outcome.
Multiple dental implants
Unfortunately, we can lose many or all of our teeth over time, due to an accident, or they may be in an untreatable condition that severely impacts your confidence.
In the case that you have many missing teeth, we can replace the whole jaw with as little as 4 implants, known as All-on-4 dental implants, giving you a strong, functional, and confident smile. Plus, this treatment can often be performed in the same day, making it a popular solution for people who want results, fast.
If you don’t have a full mouth of teeth missing but a few that need to be replaced, you no longer need to have 1 dental implant per missing tooth. This means in most cases we can place fewer implants strategically with a bridge between them, making the treatment more cost-effective and less invasive.
After careful planning, the implants are placed in specific locations under local anaesthetic, and often temporary restorations will be placed while the implants heal, then after a 3-6 month healing period we make your dental crowns, bridges, or attachments to go onto the implants. Depending on how many teeth are missing or need extracting, we’ll make a tailored treatment plan to ensure we give you a long-lasting teeth replacement to suit most budgets
Implant retained dentures
Removable dentures can be very difficult to get on with especially when they are replacing all the teeth on a jaw.
Bulky, unstable and trapping food, they have many negatives, but with modern techniques we can fit between 2 to 4 implants to click the denture on to, significantly improving stability and retention – NO MORE DENTURE GLUE
Depending on available bone and budget we can place less implants and lock a denture onto the implants to replace the whole jaw. This is very cost effective and replacing the whole jaw can start from as little as £5000
Implant retained bridges
If we want a fixed solution to replace multiple missing teeth, even all the teeth on a jaw, we can use implant retained bridges.
Implants would be placed in specifically planned sites and allow us to bridge between the implants with ceramic crowns.
With modern concepts we can replace the whole jaw with as little as 4 implants, and secure a fixed, screw retained bridge with great aesthetics and function.
Please book in for more information
For some, having dental treatment can be a very stressful time and here at Brookside dental we understand this and offer sedation to help relax the patient and allow them to complete their dental treatment.
For dental phobia or patients that just want to be more comfortable during longer procedures, including implant surgery, sedation is a safe effective way to overcome any barriers.
Our highly skilled and competent team use a sedative drug that is injected into the back of the hand or arm to put the patient into an altered state of consciousness. Awake, and able to talk to the clinical team and respond to simple instructions, but drowsy, completely co-operative and accepting of treatment.
We carefully monitor the patients vital stats and make sure they are comfortable throughout the procedure, then once complete and recovered we send the patient home to rest with their chosen escort, without any memory of the whole procedure.
To confirm sedation might be right for you, contact us today and book your consultation to discuss your concerns and see how we can help you.
Bone graft
After various checks and scans it might become evident that you do not have enough bone in the right areas to support dental implants.
In years gone by this would limit your options, however nowadays with great care and skill we can do some additional procedures to rebuild the bone and begin the journey to get you the perfect smile.
We can now do bone grafting procedures as a routine part of implant placement to bulk up the bone around the implant, for improved long-term stability.
Types of Bone Graft include:
Sinus lift
A sinus lift is surgery that adds bone to your upper jaw in the area of your molars and premolars.
It’s sometimes called a sinus augmentation. The bone graft materials are the same as listed above, and this is added between your jaw and the maxillary sinuses, which are on either side of your nose. To make room for the bone, the sinus membrane has to be moved upward, or “lifted.”
What It’s Used For
A sinus lift is done when there is not enough bone height in the upper jaw, or the sinuses are too close to the jaw, for dental implants to be placed. There are several reasons for this:
- Many people who have lost teeth in their upper jaw — particularly the back teeth, or molars — do not have enough bone for implants to be placed. Because of the anatomy of the skull, the back of the upper jaw has less bone than the lower jaw.
- Bone may have been lost because of periodontal (gum) disease.
- Tooth loss may have led to a loss of bone as well. Once teeth are gone, bone begins to be resorbed (absorbed back into the body). If teeth have been missing for a long time, there often is not enough bone left to place implants.
- The maxillary sinus may be too close to the upper jaw for implants to be placed. The shape and the size of this sinus varies from person to person. The sinus also can get larger as you age.
Sinus lifts have become common during the last 15 years as more people get dental implants to replace missing teeth.

Sinus lift - What It includes?
You will need X-rays taken before your sinus lift so the dentist can study the anatomy of your jaw and sinus. You also may need a special type of computed tomography (CT) scan. This scan will allow the dentist to accurately measure the height and width of your existing bone and to evaluate the health of your sinus.
Your surgeon will cut the gum tissue where your back teeth used to be. The tissue is raised, exposing the bone. A small, oval window is opened in the bone. The membrane lining the sinus on the other side of the window separates your sinus from your jaw. This membrane is gently pushed up and away from your jaw.
Granules of bone-graft material are then packed into the space where the sinus was. The amount of bone used will vary, but usually several millimetres of bone is added above the jaw. Once the bone is in place, the tissue is closed with stitches.
Your implant can usually be placed at the same time as the sinus lift and bone graft is performed, reducing the need for further surgeries. This does however require longer healing time before a definitive crown can be placed on the implant, usually 6-9 months.
After the procedure, you may have some swelling of the area. You may bleed from your mouth or nose. Do not blow your nose or sneeze forcefully. Either one could cause the bone-graft material to move, and loosen the stitches.
Your dentist may give you saline sprays to keep the inner lining of your nose wet and prescribe medicine to prevent congestion and inflammation. You also will be given pain medicine, an antibiotic and an antimicrobial mouthwash to help prevent infection. Most patients have only a little discomfort after a sinus-lift procedure.
You will see the specialist after 7 to 10 days. He or she will evaluate the surgical site and remove stitches if they will not dissolve on their own. You might be asked to return a few more times to make sure the area is healing properly.
After a sinus lift, you need to wait several months for the bony material to harden and integrate with your jaw. Depending on the grafting material used, implants may be placed in 6-9 months.
These additional procedures may be required to allow the implant to be placed in secure bone for long term stability, but with added complexity, does come additional risks.
At Brookside dental we work together with the patient to reduce the risks, but each individual patient is different and this must be discussed with your dentist during the planning phase.